Selected Publications

See CV for complete list (Curriculum Vitae)


Journal Articles

2018   The UCSB Gender Equity Project: Taking Stock of Mentorship, Equity, and Harassment in California Archaeology Through Qualitative Survey Data. California Archaeology 10(2):131-158, DOI: 10.1080/1947461X.2018.1535791 (Amber M. VanDerwarker, Kaitlin M. Brown, Toni Gonazalez, and Hugh Radde).

2018   Ariación Regional en la Importancia y Usos del Maíz en el Formativo Temprano y Medio en la Región Olmeca: Nuevos Datos Arqueobotánicos del Asentamiento Rural de San Carlos, Veracruz. Revista Arqueología 59: in press, pp forthcoming (Robert Kruger, Amber VanDerwarker, and David Garaté).

2017   High-Precision Chronology for Central American Maize Diversification from El Gigante Rockshelter, Honduras. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS); (Douglas J. Kennett, Heather B.Thakar, Amber VanDerwarker, David L. Webster, Brendan J. Culleton, Thomas K. Harper, Logan Kistler, Timothy E. Scheffler, and Kenneth Hirth).

2017   Reassessing the Chronology of the Mississippian Central Illinois River Valley Using Bayesian Analysis. Southeastern Archaeology DOI: 10.1080/0734578X.2017.1377510. (Gregory D. Wilson, Mallory Melton, and Amber VanDerwarker).

2016   New World Paleoethnobotany in the New Millennium (2000-2013). Journal of Archaeological Research (accepted for publication July 2015) (Amber M. VanDerwarker, Dana N. Bardolph, Kristin M. Hoppa, Heather B. Thakar, Lana S. Martin, Allison Jaqua, Matthew E. Biwer, Kristina M. Gill).

2016   Sociopolitics in Southeastern Archaeology: The Role of Gender in Scholarly Authorship. Southeastern Archaeology (accepted for publication May 2015) (Dana N. Bardolph and Amber M. VanDerwarker).

2015   Is it Agriculture Yet?: Intensified Maize-Use at 1000 cal BC in the Soconusco and Mesoamerica. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology (accepted for publication June 2015) (Robert Rosenswig, Amber VanDerwarker, Douglas Kennett, Brendan Culleton).

2015   Plant Subsistence at Myer-Dickson during the Woodland and Mississippian Periods. Illinois Archaeology 27, pp. 82-117 (Matthew E. Biwer and Amber M. VanDerwarker).

2015   Lamb Site Zooarchaeological Analysis: Early Mississippian Faunal Exploitation in the Central Illinois River Valley. Illinois Archaeology 27, pp. 236-253 (Steven R. Kuehn and Amber M. VanDerwarker).

2015   Lamb Site Archaeobotanical Remains: Reconstructing Early Mississippian Plant Collection and Cultivation in the Central Illinois River Valley. Illinois Archaeology 27, pp. 215-235 (Dana N. Bardolph and Amber M. VanDerwarker).

2015   Paleoethnobotany and Ancient Alcohol Production: A Mini-Review. Ethnobiology Letters 6:28-31. (Matthew E. Biwer and Amber M. VanDerwarker).

2015   The Functional Dimensions of Earth Oven Cooking: An Analysis of an Accidentally Burned Maize Roast at the C.W. Cooper Site in West-Central Illinois. Journal of Field Archaeology 40(2):166-175. (Gregory D. Wilson and Amber M. VanDerwarker).

2013   Maize Adoption and Intensification in the Central Illinois River Valley: An Analysis of Archaeobotanical Data from the Late Woodland through Early Mississippian Periods (AD 400-1200). Southeastern Archaeology 32:147-168 (Amber VanDerwarker, Gregory Wilson, and Dana Bardolph).

2013   Farming and Foraging at the Crossroads: The Consequences of Cherokee and European Interaction through the late Eighteenth century. American Antiquity 78(1):68-88. (Amber VanDerwarker, Jon Marcoux, and Kandace Hollenbach)

2012   Regional Variation in the Importance and Uses of Maize in the Early and Middle Formative Olmec Heartland: New Archaeobotanical Data from the San Carlos Homestead, Southern Veracruz. Latin American Antiquity 23(4):509-532(Amber VanDerwarker and Robert Kruger).      

2011   Situating Remote Sensing in Archaeology. Archaeological Prospection 18:1-19. (Victor D. Thompson, Thomas Pluckhahn, Philip J. Arnold III, and Amber M. VanDerwarker).

2010   Excavations into Cahokia’s Mound 49. Illinois Archaeology 22(2)397-436. (with Timothy R. Pauketat, Mark A. Rees, and Kathryn E. Parker)

2009   Geophysical Investigations at Teotepec, Mexico (1000 B.C.—1000 A. D.). Journal of Field Archaeology 34(4):439-455(Victor D. Thompson, Philip J. Arnold III, and Amber VanDerwarker).

2009   Bearsfoot and Deer Legs: Archaeobotanical and Zooarchaeological Evidence of a Special-Purpose Encampment at the Sandy site, Roanoke, Virginia. Journal of Ethnobiology 29(1): 129-148 (Amber VanDerwarker and Bill Stanyard).

2009   Farming and Catastrophe at La Joya: A Consideration of Agricultural Intensification and Risk in the Formative Sierra de los Tuxtlas. Arqueología Iberoamericana 1:17-40.

2008   La Agricultura Tropical en La Sierra de los Tuxtlas durante el Periodo Formativo. Revista Arqueología 37 (Amber VanDerwarkerand Olaf Jaime-Riveron).

2008   Rotten Food and Ritual Behavior: Late Woodland Plant Foodways and Special Purpose Features at Buzzard Rock II, Virginia (44RN2/70).  Southeastern Archaeology 27(1) (Amber VanDerwarker and Bruce Idol).

2005   Field Cultivation and Tree Management in Tropical Agriculture: A View from Gulf Coastal Mexico. World Archaeology 37(2):274-288.

2002  Swimming Upriver: Changes in Subsistence and Biogeography in the Roanoke River Valley.  In The Archaeology of Native North Carolina: Papers in Honor of H. Trawick Ward, edited by Jane M. Eastman, Christopher B. Rodning, and Edmond A. Boudreaux III, pp. 59-66. Southeastern Archaeological Conference Special Publication 7. Mobile, AL.

2002  Revisiting Coweeta Creek: Reconstructing Ancient Cherokee Lifeways in Southwestern North Carolina.  Southeastern Archaeology  21(1):1-9. (Christopher B. Rodning and Amber VanDerwarker)

2002   Gendered Practice in Cherokee Foodways: A Spatial Analysis of Plant Remains from the Coweeta Creek site. Southeastern Archaeology 21(1):21-28. (Amber VanDerwarkerand Kandace R. Detwiler)

1999   Feasting and Status at the Toqua site. Southeastern Archaeology 18(1):24-34.


Books and Monographs

2016      The Archaeology of Food and Warfare: Food Insecurity in Prehistory. Springer, New York (Amber M. VanDerwarker and Gregory D. Wilson, editors)

2010   Integrating Zooarchaeology and Paleoethnobotany: A Consideration of Issues, Methods, and Cases. Springer, New York (Amber VanDerwarker amd Tanya Peres, editors).

2006   Farming, Hunting, and Fishing in the Olmec World.  The University of Texas Press, Austin.     

2001   An Archaeological Assessment of Pre-Columbian Fauna in the Roanoke River Basin.  Research Report No. 21, Research Laboratories of Archaeology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.


Book Chapters

2017   Maize and Mississippian Beginnings. In Mississippian Beginnings, edited by Gregory D. Wilson, pp. 29-70. University Press of Florida, Gainesville. (Amber M. VanDerwarker, Dana N. Bardolph, and C. Margaret Scarry).

2016   Towards an Archaeology of Food and Warfare. In The Archaeology of Food and Warfare: Food Insecurity in Prehistory, edited by A. M. VanDerwarker and G. D. Wilson, pp. 1-12. Springer, New York. (Gregory D. Wilson and Amber M. VanDerwarker).

2016   War, Food, and Structural Violence in the Mississippian Central Illinois Valley. In The Archaeology of Food and Warfare: Food Insecurity in Prehistory, edited by A. M. VanDerwarker and G. D. Wilson, pp. 75-106. Springer, New York. (Amber M. VanDerwarker and Gregory D. Wilson).

2014   Mississippians and Maize. In The Medieval Mississippians: The Cahokian World, edited by T. R. Pauketat and S. M. Alt, pp.49-54.  School for Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe, NM).

2014   Analysis and Interpretation of Intrasite Variability in Paleoethnobotanical Remains: A Consideration and Application of Methods at the Ravensford site, North Carolina. In Method and Theory in Paleoethnobotany, edited by J. Marston, J. d’Alpoin Guedes, and C. Warinner, pp. 205-233. University of Colorado Press, Boulder (Amber VanDerwarker, Jennifer Alvarado, and Paul Webb).

2014   Analysis and Interpretation of Intrasite Variability in Paleoethnobotanical Remains: A Consideration and Application of Methods at the Ravensford site, North Carolina. In Method and Theory in Paleoethnobotany, edited by J. Maston, University of Colorado Press, Boulder (Amber VanDerwarker, Jennifer Alvarado, and Paul Webb) (In press).

2013   The Zooarchaeology of Olmec and epi-Olmec Foodways Along Mexico's Gulf Coast. In The Archaeology of Mesoamerican Animals, edited by Kitty Emery and Christopher Goetz, pp. 95-128. David Brown Book Company(Tanya Peres, Amber VanDerwarker, and Chris Pool).

2010   Introduction, In Integrating Zooarchaeology and Paleoethnobotany: A Consideration of Issues, Methods, and Cases, ed. by Amber VanDerwarker and Tanya Peres, pp. 1-12. Springer, New York.(Amber VanDerwarker and Tanya Peres).

2010   Simple Measures for Integrating Plant and Animal Remains In Integrating Zooarchaeology and Paleoethnobotany: A Consideration of Issues, Methods, and Cases, ed. by Amber VanDerwarker and Tanya Peres, pp. 65-74, Springer, New York.

2010   Correspondence Analysis and Principal Components Analysis as Methods for Integrating Archaeological Plant and Animal Remains. In Integrating Zooarchaeology and Paleoethnobotany: A Consideration of Issues, Methods, and Cases, ed. by Amber VanDerwarker and Tanya Peres, pp. 75-95. Springer, New York.

2010   The Farmed and the Hunted: Integrating Floral and Faunal Data from Tres Zapotes, Veracruz. In Integrating Zooarchaeology and Paleoethnobotany: A Consideration of Issues, Methods, and Cases, ed. by Amber VanDerwarker and Tanya Peres, pp. 287-308. Springer, New York(Tanya Peres, Amber VanDerwarker, and Christopher Pool).

2007   Menus for Families and Feasts: Household and Community Consumption of Plants at Upper Saratown, North Carolina.  In The Archaeology of Food and Identity, edited by K. Twiss, pp. 16-49. The Center of Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (Amber VanDerwarker, C. Margaret Scarry, and Jane M. Eastman).