- Warfare, Risk Management Theory, Middle Range Societies, Human Behavioral Ecology
- Bioarchaeology, GIS
- Peruvian Andes, Colorado Plateau
Pursuing Ph.D. candidate, University of California at Santa Barbara. Archaeology graduate program, Dept. of Anthropology.
2015 M.A. University of California at Santa Barbara. Archaeology Graduate Program, Dept. of Anthropology.
2013 M.A. University of Utah, Archaeology graduate program, Dept. of Anthropology.
2009 B.S., University of Utah, Dept. of Anthropology.
McCool, Weston C. and Peter Yaworsky
2017 Fight or Flight: assessing Fremont territoriality in Nine Mile Canyon, Utah. Quaternary International, DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2017.11.032
McCool, Weston C. and Joan Brenner-Coltrain
2017 A potential oxygen isotope signature of maize beer consumption: an experimental pilot study. Journal of Ethnoarchaeology, DOI: 10.1080/19442890.2018.1439300.
McCool, Weston C.
2017 Coping with conflict: defensive strategies and chronic warfare in the Prehispanic Nasca Region. Latin American Antiquity 28(3):373-393.
Parker, Bradley J. and Weston C. McCool
2015 Indices of household maize beer production in the Andes: an ethnoarchaeological investigation. Journal of Anthropological Research 71(3):359-400.
Courses Taught
Anth 121: Human Evolution (UCSB, taught 3 times)
Courses TA’d (several times each)
ANTH 2: Intro to Cultural Anthropology (UCSB, multiple times)
ANTH 3: Intro to Archaeology (UCSB)
ANTH 5: Intro to Biological Anthropology (UCSB, multiple times)
ANTH Special Topics: Forensic Anthropology (UCSB)
Introduction to Prehistory (University of Utah, multiple times)