- Microbotanical analysis
- Great Lakes Archaeology
- Early Agriculture, Foodways
Pursuing Ph.D. Archaeology, University of California, Santa Barbara
2018 B.S. Anthropology, Michigan State University
I am an archaeologist whose primary research interests are the archaeobotanical analysis of ceramic food residues to learn more about plant subsistence, agriculture and trade, and the utilization of isotopic and lipid analyses to better understand the environment in conjunction with plant diet. I have conducted macrobotanical and microbotanical research in central Michigan and the coastal regions of the eastern and southern upper peninsula of Michigan.
Frederick, K., Rebecca Albert, W. Lovis
2019 The Green Site Acorn Parching Feature: Analysis and Actualistic Replication of an Early Late Woodland Acorn Processing Pit. The Wisconsin Archaeologist. In Press.
Albert, Rebecca, S. Kooiman, C. Clark, W. Lovis
2018 Earliest microbotanical evidence for maize in the Northern Lake Michigan Basin. American Antiquity 83(2), 345-355.