Jennifer Alvarado

UCSB Alumna


I began volunteering in Dr. VanDerwarker’s paleoethnobotany lab during my senior year as an undergrad at UCSB. Upon graduation, I started working as her primary lab assistant. This position includes sorting and analyzing archaeobotanical remains from various lab projects, overseeing and training undergraduate interns in archaeobotanical methods, data entry and accessioning botanical specimens into our comparative collection. Concurrently, I am an independent archaeobotanical consultant working for multiple CRM firms.

Regions and time periods for which I have sorted botanical remains include:

  • Central Illinois River Valley: Mississippian
  • North Carolina: Archaic, Woodland, Mississippian, Historic
  • Southern California and Channel Islands: Terminal Early, Middle, Late Middle, Historic
  • Southern Gulf Coast of Mexico: Formative and Classic


2013   Alvarado, Jennifer & Amber VanDerwarker. Analysis of Plant Remains from the Western Carolina Regional Airport Site. Technical report submitted to TRC Garrow & Associates. 8 p.

2013   VanDerwarker, Amber & Jennifer Alvarado and Paul Webb. Analysis and Interpretation of Intrasite Variability in Paleoethnobotanical Remains: A Consideration and Application of Methods at the Ravensford site, North Carolina. In Method and Theory in Paleoethnobotany, edited by J. Maston, University of Colorado Press, Boulder (in press).

2012   Alvarado, Jennifer & Amber VanDerwarker. Analysis of Plant Remains from the SBA-46 Site. Technical report submitted to Dudek & Associates. 9 p.

2012   VanDerwarker, Amber & Jennifer Alvarado. Analysis of Plant Remains from the Wildwood Site. Technical report submitted to TRC Garrow Associates, Inc. 5 p.

2012   VanDerwarker, Amber & Jennifer Alvarado. Analysis of Plant Remains from Macon County Airport Site. Technical report submitted to TRC Garrow Associates, Inc. 40 p.

2011   VanDerwarker, Amber & Jennifer Alvarado. Analysis of Plant Remains from the 31CD1035 Site. Technical report submitted to TRC Garrow Associates, Inc. 4 p.

2011   VanDerwarker, Amber & Jennifer Alvarado. Analysis of Plant Remains from the A-9 Site. Technical report submitted to TRC Garrow Associates, Inc. 9 p.

2011   Vanderwarker, Amber & Jennifer Alvarado. Analysis of Plant Remains from the Fort Bragg Site. Technical report submitted to TRC Garrow Associates, Inc. 5 p.

2011   VanDerwarker, Amber & Jennifer Alvarado. Analysis of Plant Remains from SBA-3587. Technical report submitted to Ray Corbett, PhD. 5 p.

2010   VanDerwarker, Amber & Jennifer Alvarado. Analysis of Plant Remains from the Ravensford Site. Technical report submitted to TRC Garrow Associates, Inc. 58 p.